
Intelligence Cloud Infrastructure

Crete Cloud Node in

Fiware Lab Node
June 2016 - January 2020

Fiware Lab Node
to the web site of the Intelligent Systems Laboratory (InteLLigence).

The Intelligent Systems Laboratory (InteLLigence) is a unit of the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Technical University of Crete, Chania, Crete, Greece.

The role of this laboratory is to educate undergraduate and graduate students in the concepts and techniques of modern Intelligent Systems and to carry out cutting-edge research in this area. Current research work spans many areas, such as Multimedia and Web information systems, Semantic Web, Machine Learning, Robotics, Bioinformatics, Computer vision, Peer-to-Peer computing and Intelligent Agents.

The laboratory is funded by the Technical University of Crete and various Greek and European funding institutions.

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The Intelligent Systems Laboratory (InteLLigence) maintains long experience on information systems technology with emphasis on the management (processing, extraction, dissemination and retrieval) of multimedia information in (multimedia) databases and the Web. As such, information is not considered only from a standalone perspective; its strength lies in its potential association with other modern technologies, such as Web, Semantic Web, Content-based approaches, P2P systems and Cloud Computing. Emphasis is placed on content technologies and evolving context-aware service provision that enable information systems to fulfil the ever-evolving user interests and needs in fast-evolving and distributed environments. The InteLLigence laboratory also maintains expertise on content extraction from multimedia information through the application of natural language processing, text analysis, signal, image and video analysis and their application to content-based access services. Recent research results have led to the design of innovative tools exploiting leading-edge technology in knowledge management (e.g., tools facilitating development of spatio-temporal ontologies, spatio-temporal reasoning and querying).

In addition, the Lab possesses considerable expertise in Artificial Intelligence and Multiagent Systems – and, more specifically, in the intersections of multiagent learning, decision making under uncertainty, and game theory. Lab members have published research papers and developed software systems applying this expertise on various real-world settings, such as online games (e.g., the “Fantasy Football” online community), e-marketplaces and sponsored search settings (see, e.g., our TUCTAC Ad Auctions agent's webpage), and the energy domain. In particular, lab members have in recent years been quite active in research contributing to implementing the vision of the so-called “Smart Grid” – that is, creating robust, intelligent electricity supply & distribution networks, to achieve the highest energy efficiency possible.

Machine Learning research in the lab spans various aspects, such as clustering and classification, however emphasis is placed on reinforcement learning, whereby an autonomous agent learns how to act rationally in an unknown environment through trial and error. Finally, the lab focuses on Autonomous Robotics with an emphasis on probabilistic methods for coping with the uncertainty of the real world and on the development of efficient algorithms and software for on-board information processing. Our lab is home to the RoboCup team “Kouretes” (, which competes in the RoboCup Standard Platform League since 2006 and has won several international distinctions.

InteLLigence is constantly aiming at strengthening its expertise and, and through this, its recognition in the EU arena as a centre of excellence for research. This can be achieved through its collaboration with the EU industry and academia and as well as through its participation in high-calibre EU funded research. InteLLigence, currently participates as partner in the project “RT3S: Real Time Simulation for Safer vascular Stenting” (ICT for patient safety, FP7-STEP, project number 248801,, in the project Fi-Star: “Future Internet Social and Technological Alignment Research” (FI.ICT-2011.1.8, FP7-IP:604691, 2013-2015, of the EU, and in the project NOPTILUS: autoNomous, self-Learning, OPTImal, and compLete Underwater Systems (FP7, INFSO-ICT:270180, 2011-2015, InteLLigence has also participated in many research and R&D projects in the past, such as HIPER-BE97:5084, OPTAG-FP6-STREP:502858, BIOPATTERN (FP6-NoE:508803), in many R&D projects funded by the EU and he Greek government and has coordinated and executed successfully project TOWL: “Time-determined ontology based information system for real time stock market analysis” (FP6-STREP:026896, 2006 - 2008).

The group at InteLLigence laboratory consists of three faculty members, four post-doctoral researchers, six Ph.D. candidates, more than 15 M.Sc. students and several senior undergraduate students pursuing their diploma theses. The group members have published one graduate-level scientific textbook, and hundreds of articles in peer-reviewed, high-quality, international journals and conferences. Several articles have received best paper awards.

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