Research on Intelligent Agents
We are interested in the theory and practice of intelligent agents. We have applied our results to the following applications:
  • Information retrieval
  • Information dissemination over wide-area networks
  • Electronic commerce
  • Peer-to-Peer Computing
  • Business Process Modelling and Design
This work is done in the context of project DIET funded by the European Community under IST/FET.
Related Publications
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  • Finin T., Koubarakis M., Labrou Y.: Special Issue on Intelligent Information Agents in the Internet and WWW Age, International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, Vol. 11, No. 2, March 2002.
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  • Koubarakis M., Tryfonopoulοs C.: Peer-to-peer agent systems for textual information dissemination: algorithms and complexity, In UK Workshop on Multiagent Systems (UKMAS-2002), Liverpool, UK, 18 & 19 December, 2002.
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  • Koubarakis M.: Textual Information Dissemination in Distributed Event-Based Systems, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Distributed Event-Based systems (DEBS'02), July 2-3, 2002, Vienna, Austria.
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  • Triantafillou P., Xiruhaki C., Koubarakis M.: Efficient Massive Sharing of Content among Peers, IEEE Workshop on Resource Sharing in Massively Distributed Systems (RESH'02), July 2, 2002, Vienna, Austria.
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  • Koubarakis M., Tryfonopoulοs C., Raftopoulou P., Koutris T.: Data Models and Languages for Agent-Based Textual Information Dissemination, 6th International Workshop on Cooperative Information Systems (CIA 02), 18-20 September 2002, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain. [long version(zipped)]
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  • Koubarakis M.: Boolean Queries with Proximity Operators for Information Dissemination, Proceedings of the workshop on Foundations of Models and Languages for Information Integration (FMII-2001), Viterbo, Italy , 16-18 September, 2001. In LNCS.
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  • Koubarakis M., Plexousakis D.: A Formal Model for Business Process Modeling and Design, Proceedings of CAiSE*00, Stockholm, Sweden, June 5-9, 2000.
    Publication Type: Conference Publications [abstract] [file]
  • Koubarakis M., Plexousakis D.: Business Process Modeling and Design: A Formal Model and Methodology, BT Technology Journal, special issue on the emerging enterprise, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 23-35, October 1999.
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  • Koubarakis M., Plexousakis D.: Business Process Modeling and Design: AI Models and Methodology, Proceedings of the IJCAI-99 Workshop on Intelligent Workflow and Process Management: The New Frontier for AI in Business, Stockholm, Sweden, August 1-2, 1999.
    Publication Type: Workshop Proceedings [abstract] [file]