Kouretes: Technical University of Crete RoboCup Team Kouretes
Contract Details
Programme Acronym:
Contract No: TUC ELKE 80128
Start Date: 2010-03-01
End Date: 2011-07-31
Project Status: completed
Budget for TUC: 37,000 euros
Role for TUC: prime
Principal Investigator for TUC: Michail G. Lagoudakis
Project Description
Development of a fully-autonomous soccer team of humanoid robots Nao

Official Project Web Site:
Related Publications
  • Chown E., Lagoudakis M.: The Standard Platform League, Proceedings of the 18th RoboCup International Symposium, João Pessoa, Brazil, July 2014; in RoboCup 2014: Robot Soccer World Cup XVIII, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 8992, Springer, 2015, pp. 636-648.
    Publication Type: Conference Publications [abstract] [link]
  • Kofinas N., Orfanoudakis E., Lagoudakis M.: Complete Analytical Forward and Inverse Kinematics for the NAO Humanoid Robot, Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems (JINT), 2015, 77 (2), pp. 251-264.
    Publication Type: Journal Publications [abstract] [link]
  • Piperakis S., Orfanoudakis E., Lagoudakis M.: Predictive Control for Dynamic Locomotion of Real Humanoid Robots, Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Chicago, USA, September 2014, pp. 4036-4043.
    Publication Type: Conference Publications [abstract] [link]
  • Papadimitriou G., Spanoudakis N., Lagoudakis M.: Extending the Kouretes Statechart Editor for Generic Agent Behavior Development, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations (AIAI), Rhodes, Greece, September 2014; in IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, Volume 436, 2014, pp. 182-192.
    Publication Type: Conference Publications [abstract] [link]
  • Kofinas N., Orfanoudakis E., Lagoudakis M.: Complete Analytical Inverse Kinematics for NAO, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions (ROBOTICA), Lisbon, Portugal, April 2013, pp. 1-6. Best Paper Award [certificate]
    Publication Type: Conference Publications [abstract] [link][file]
  • Topalidou-Kyniazopoulou A., Spanoudakis N., Lagoudakis M.: A CASE Tool for Robot Behavior Development, Proceedings of the 16th RoboCup International Symposium, Mexico City, Mexico, June 2012; in RoboCup 2012: Robot Soccer World Cup XVI, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 7500, Springer, 2013, pp. 225–236.
    Publication Type: Conference Publications [abstract] [link][file]
  • Paraschos A., Spanoudakis N., Lagoudakis M.: Model-Driven Behavior Specification for Robotic Teams, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), Valencia, Spain, June 2012, pp. 171-178.
    Publication Type: Conference Publications [abstract] [link][file]
  • Pierris G., Lagoudakis M.: An Interactive Tool for Designing Complex Robot Motion Patterns, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Kobe, Japan, May 2009, pp. 4013–4018.
    Publication Type: Conference Publications [abstract] [link][file]
  • Volioti S., Lagoudakis M.: Histogram-Based Visual Object Recognition for the 2007 Four-Legged RoboCup League, Proceedings of the 5th Hellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence (SETN08), Syros, Greece, October 2008, pp. 313-326.
    Publication Type: Conference Publications [abstract] [link][file]
  • Kontes G., Lagoudakis M.: Coordinated Team Play in the RoboCup Four-Legged League, Proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI-07), Patras, Greece, October 2007, pp. 109-116.
    Publication Type: Conference Publications [abstract] [link][file]
Project Consortium