Contract Details
Programme Acronym: LEONARDO DA VINCI
Contract Type:
Contract No: LLP-LdV-ToI-2011-RO-022
Start Date: 2011-12-20
End Date: 2013-12-20
Project Status: execution
Budget for TUC: 52,363 euros
Role for TUC: contractor
Principal Investigator for TUC: Euripides G.Μ. Petrakis
Project Description
Promoting lifelong learning in the field of health is the result of continuous professional skills development through access to most recent information and a large knowledge data base. Latest international reports reveal that there is an increased therapeutic and social interest for health resorts’ spa treatments, which have led to the development of international balneary tourism. According to specialty EU statistics, the immediate results after treatment reflected significant improvements in subjective and objective symptomatology. Also an important echo was registered after using economical indicators of effectiveness, respectively on temporary incapacity to work, determined by the health conditions for which those spa treatments were being used. The aim is to identify, to diversify, to reorganize and to modernize the physical therapy strategies and tourist services using e-learning products from another LdV project to the level of treatment facilities within health resorts.

To assure interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary complex approach of wellness strategies in European context of promoting quality of life, combining natural spa treatment’s factors in correlation with the possibilities of specific physical therapeutic interventions to SPA profile. The characteristics of the partners/consortium: The consortium includes organizations which incorporate the project outcomes into educational and vocational regional level. The project partners were selected from 4 countries /6 partners on the basis of their ability and readiness to ensure that the results will be followed after the completion of the project with respect to implementation, continuous dissemination, transfer and follow up activities of the expected results.

Through this project we intend to transfer the products from the pilot project titled “Training Centre for Health Care, Prophylactic and Rehabilitation Services” initiated by University of Craiova into new products: Comparative survey, Report regarding Physical therapy Education in Europe, Training modules, New methodologies of training, European curricula in physical therapy and European standards and competencies in physical therapy, upgraded and adapted for training in SPA services and then implement new modules named fitness, recovery and rehabilitation in SPA services.

Impact envisaged
Sharing experiences and practices of specialist from different countries in a transnational/international context by creating a network platform that will connect partners, beneficiaries (clients and institutions) but also involving target groups and other potential users with an ultimate goal of increasing the dimension and quality of wellness and quality of life in SPA services.

Official Project Web Site:
Related Publications
  • Argyropoulos S., Petrakis E.: Applying Information Technology in Education: Two Applications on the Web, In Proc. of the 24th Annual Conference of European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering (EAEEIE 2013), Chania, Greece, May 2013.
    Publication Type: Conference Publications [abstract] [file]
Project Consortium
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