TOWL: Time-determined ontology based information system for real time stock
Contract Details
Programme Acronym: FP6-IST
Contract No: 026896
Start Date: 2006-04-01
End Date: 2008-09-30
Project Status: completed
Budget for TUC: 251,400 euros
Role for TUC: prime
Principal Investigator for TUC: Euripides G.Μ. Petrakis
Project Description

The objective of the project is to expand the current state of the art ontology languages (OWL, RDF-S, RDF) and their support for automated reasoning by adding the time dimension to enable real time context aware information analysis. This technology will provide ontology based (semantic) information systems to venture beyond a static world and add the concepts of time and change.

To demonstrate and objectively assess the quality of the project result a semantic stock broker system will be developed based on a time determined ontology (TDO) of which the actual state depends on Reuters textual news messages and numerical market information. The system interprets these messages and adapts its dynamic ontology to better match the real world as described in the news. The potential general impact of a effective time determined ontology language and reasoner technology is fundamental for all aspects of the IST objectives. It will affect knowledge acquisition, organisation, personalisation, share and use of all types of ontology based knowledge. Implementation of the time dimension in formal knowledge representation is a prerequisite for effective semantic interoperability between information sources of any nature, content type or language. And additionally, combined with time aware reasoners and feature extraction tools, this will promote self describing content and responsive behaviour to user needs.

The potential strategic impact of the demonstration application in the stock exchange domain results from an improved return of investment by using an effective knowledge system support. By adopting the project results in the financial markets, this may add to the resolution of the low liquidity status of institutional investment institutes. This has a impact for millions of European citizens currently depending on equity based pension- and insurance products.

Funding Agency: IST-STREP FP6.

Participants: Technical University of Crete (TUC), Zoorobotics B.V., Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, Politechnico di Bari, Akademia Ekonomiczna W Poznaniu, S.I.I Semantic Internet Inovatoin SPA, Citigroup Global Markets Limited.

Project Coordinator & Principal Investigator for TUC: Euripides G.M. Petrakis

Official Project Web Site:
Related Publications
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Project Consortium
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Technical University of Bari
Politechnico di Bari
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