Current/Past Grands

The research of this laboratory is supported by grants from various Greek and European sources.

Past Grants

  1. ViP: Visit Planner: Integrated Information and Tour Planning Service for Cruise Tourism based on Hybrid Recommender Systems. (June 2020 - December 2022)
    Short Description
    The goal of the project is the development of an integrated tourist services platform aiming at the best experience of the visitors of any city in Greece.
    [More information about ViP project] 
  2. PISMA: Automating Pistachio Canopy Temperature Identification: A Machine Learning Approach (January 2020 - March 2021)
    Short Description
    Employing existing and developing novel image recognition and machine learning techniques to determine the plant canopy temperature and, subsequently the irrigation requirements.
    [More information about PISMA project] 
  3. MEDEVIPAS: Medical Devices Vigilance and Patient Safety (January 2012 - September 2015)
    Short Description
    The aim is to timely extract the information on potentially hazardous MDs and make it available where appropriate. It is expected that the proposed project through the design, development and implementation of modern ICT tools for MDs vigilance, will create a prototype system, which will provide critical, on time and customised information to health care institutions, in addition to the existing traditional Systems and consequently will considerably improve patient safety.
    [More information about MEDEVIPAS project] 
  4. AI-CARE: Advanced Knowledge Management Systems with Inherence Computational Intelligence and Applications in Health Care (October 2012 - June 2015)
    Short Description
    The AI-CARE project is expected to provide answers to relevant questions related to bipolar disorder and epilepsy issues, such as the individualization of diagnosis, treatment approaches and effectiveness of treatment, quality of life, transition hazard from major depressive episodes to manic, hypomanic, or mixed states, malignant types of bipolar disorder, psychiatric disturbances and suicide risk after epilepsy surgery and high risk patients with epilepsy.
    [More information about AI-CARE project] 
  5. NOPTILUS: autoNomous, self-Learning, OPTImal, and compLete Underwater Systems (April 2011 - April 2015)
    Short Description
    Design and implementation of a fully autonomous team of underwater vehicles for exploratory missions.
    [More information about NOPTILUS project] 
  6. FI-STAR: Future Internet Social and Technological Alignment Research (April 2013 - March 2015)
    Short Description
    FI-STAR (Phase 2) is establishing early trials in the healthcare domain building on Future Internet technology. It will create a robust framework based on the ‘software to data’ paradigm and validate the FI-PPP core platform concept. FI-STAR will build a vertical community in order to create a sustainable ecosystem for all user groups in healthcare.
    [More information about FI-STAR project] 
  7. RT3S: Real Time Simulation for Safer Vascular Stenting (January 2010 - December 2013)
    Short Description
    RT3S will develop and validate a sophisticated patient-specific, probabilistic model of the fatigue-fracture of a stent, integrated in a computer-aided surgery planning application, implemented to run in real-time during the surgical planning, so as to provide advice of the risk of stent rupture while the surgeon is planning the operation. The real time software library, easy embeddable in any existing application, will make it possible to include the assessment of risk for stent fracture in all software solutions for computer-aided planning, training and intervention of peripheral vascular angioplasty procedures.
    [More information about RT3S project] 
  8. eTRAWELSPA: e-TRAINING FOR WELLNESS IN SPA SERVICES (December 2011 - December 2013)
    Short Description
    Promoting lifelong learning in the field of health is the result of continuous professional skills development through access to most recent information and a large knowledge data base. Latest international reports reveal that there is an increased therapeutic and social interest for health resorts’ spa treatments, which have led to the development of international balneary tourism. According to specialty EU statistics, the immediate results after treatment reflected significant improvements in subjective and objective symptomatology. Also an important echo was registered after using economical indicators of effectiveness, respectively on temporary incapacity to work, determined by the health conditions for which those spa treatments were being used. The aim is to identify, to diversify, to reorganize and to modernize the physical therapy strategies and tourist services using e-learning products from another LdV project to the level of treatment facilities within health resorts.
    [More information about eTRAWELSPA project] 
  9. YPERTHEN: Computational Tools and Services for Diagnosis and Personalized Treatment of Cancer (June 2011 - June 2013)
    Short Description
    Clinical Research Infrastructure and methodology for personalized tumor diagnosis and therapy
    [More information about YPERTHEN project] 
  10. PoTrain: Positive Thinking Training (November 2010 - February 2012)
    Short Description
    The Positive Thinking Training project aims to encourage the collection and the dissemination of positive information about the events that occur every day throughout the world. During this project young people will be encouraged to envision a better future for themselves and the world they live in.
    [More information about PoTrain project] 
  11. SOWL: Spatio-Temporal OWL for Reasining and Querying over the Semantic Web (January 2009 - December 2011)
    Short Description
    Current technological tools for description of semantic knowledge are insufficient to support adequate automated reasoning in a dynamic (real-world) knowledge space. The objective of the project is to expand the current state of the art ontology languages (OWL, RDF-S, RDF) and their support for automated reasoning by adding a spatial dimension to enable real time context aware information analysis. This technology will provide ontology based (semantic) information systems to venture beyond a static world and add the concepts of space and change.
    [More information about SOWL project] 
  12. Kouretes: Technical University of Crete RoboCup Team Kouretes (March 2010 - July 2011)
    Short Description
    Development of a fully-autonomous soccer team of humanoid robots Nao
    [More information about Kouretes project] 
  13. CALR: Coordinated Action and Learning in RoboCup (January 2009 - April 2011)
    Short Description
    This research studies fundamental problems of robotics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence in the context of the international RoboCup competition for robotic soccer. In particular, it focuses on coordinated action and learning aiming at enabling better coordination among the team members.
    [More information about CALR project] 
  14. RLvSL: Reinforcement Learning via Supervised Learning (December 2006 - December 2008)
    Short Description
    This project investigates the potential of using supervised learning technology for advancing reinforcement learning. It is possible to incorporate supervised learning algorithms within the inner loops of several reinforcement learning algorithms and therefore reduce one problem to the other. This synergy opens the door to a variety of promising combinations. This research will establish the criteria under which this reduction is possible, will investigate viable combinations, will propose novel algorithms, will assess their potential, and will apply them to real problems of practical interest to demonstrate their effectiveness.
    [More information about RLvSL project] 
  15. TOWL: Time-determined ontology based information system for real time stock (April 2006 - September 2008)
    Short Description
    The objective of the project is to expand the current state of the art ontology languages (OWL, RDF-S, RDF) and their support for automated reasoning by adding the time dimension to enable real time context aware information analysis. This technology will provide ontology based (semantic) information systems to venture beyond a static world and add the concepts of time and change.
    [More information about TOWL project] 
  16. GCB: Getting Cretan Businesses On-Line and Doing E-Business (April 2006 - April 2008)
    Short Description
    The role of this laboratory is to train consultants that will advise Cretan businesses about the benefits of getting on-line and doing e-business.
    [More information about GCB project] 
  17. ICS-AMD: Intelligent Camera Systems supporting Automated Motion Detection (January 2006 - March 2008)
    Short Description
    Integrated system of interconnected (through LAN) high definition cameras with motion detection support
    [More information about ICS-AMD project] 
  18. BIOPATTERN: Computational Intelligence for Biopattern Analysis in Support of eHealthcare (January 2004 - March 2008)
    Short Description
    The BIOPATTERN Network of Excellence is a groundbreaking project that integrates key elements of European research to enable Europe to become a world leader in eHealth. The Grand Vision is to develop a pan-European, coherent and intelligent analysis of a citizen's bio-profile; to make the analysis of this bio-profile remotely accessible to patients and clinicians; and to exploit bio-profile to combat major diseases such as cancer and brain diseases.
    [More information about BIOPATTERN project] 
  19. AuctionCoord: Evaluation of Auction-Based Algorithms for Coordination of Robot Teams (January 2007 - January 2008)
    Short Description
    Experimental Evaluation of Auction-Based Distributed Algorithms for Cooperative Coordination of Robot Teams
    [More information about AuctionCoord project] 
  20. MedSearch: Semantic Similarity for Knowledge Discovery in Medical Archives (January 2006 - December 2007)
    Short Description
    Information Retrieval System for MedLine and Medical Information. MedSearch is a complete retrieval system for Medline, the premier bibliographic database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM). MedSearch implements the Semantic Similarity based Retrieval Model (SSRM), a novel information retrieval method for discovering similarities between documents containing semantically similar but not necessarily lexically similar terms.
    [More information about MedSearch project] 
  21. EVERGROW: Ever-growing global scale-free networks, their provisioning, repair and unique functions (January 2004 - December 2007)
    Short Description
    The vision of EVERGROW - ever-growing global networks, their provisioning, repair and unique functions - is to invent methods and systems, and build infrastructure for measurement, mock-up and analysis of network traffic, topology and logical structure, so that we can start now to address the opportunities presented by the Internet of 2025.
    [More information about EVERGROW project] 
  22. OntoGrid: Paving the way for Knowledgeable Grid Services and Systems (September 2004 - August 2007)
    Short Description
    One of the greatest challenges we now face in Grid Computing regards the ability to explicitly share and deploy knowledge to be used for the development of innovative Grid infrastructure, and for Grid applications – the Semantic Grid. To address this challenge the OntoGrid project will produce the technological infrastructure for the rapid prototyping and development of knowledge-intensive distributed open services for the Semantic Grid. Designing Grid applications that make use of a Semantic Grid requires a new and sound methodology which OntoGrid will develop. The results are aimed at developing grid systems that optimize cross-process, cross-company and cross-industry collaboration, which OntoGrid will show by adopting a use case-guided development and evaluation strategy based on two test case applications of differing, yet stereotypical, Grid characterisation. A principle of OntoGrid is to adopt and influence standards in Semantic Grid and Grid Computing, in particular the Open Grid Service Architecture.
    [More information about OntoGrid project] 
  23. OpTag: Improving Airport Security and Passenger Flow by Enhanced Passenger Monitoring (March 2004 - February 2007)
    Short Description
    This project aims to harness emerging passenger tracking and identification technologies with the objectives of increasing the safety of air travel whilst maximising the utilisation of existing facilities.
    [More information about OpTag project] 
  24. Digital Library: The Digital Library of the Technical University of Crete (January 2002 - December 2006)
    Short Description
    The role of this laboratory is to develop information retrieval and alert tools for the Technical University of Crete digital library.
    [More information about Digital Library project] 
  25. GCB: Getting Cretan Businesses On-Line and Doing E-Business (January 2002 - December 2006)
    Short Description
    The role of this laboratory is to train consultants that will advise Cretan businesses about the benefits of getting on-line and doing e-business
    [More information about GCB project] 
  26. HERAKLETOS: Program for Basic Doctoral Research (January 2004 - December 2006)
    Short Description
    Program for funding PhD candidates.
    [More information about HERAKLETOS project] 
  27. BRIDGE-MAP: An integrated genomic approach toward genetic improvement of aquacultured fish species (November 2001 - October 2005)
    Short Description
    The role of this laboratory in BridgeMap is to design and implement the bionformatics component of the project (database and related tools).
    [More information about BRIDGE-MAP project] 
  28. MULTI-MINE: Multimedia Data Management and Mining (May 2003 - May 2005)
    Short Description
    Education and Training
    [More information about MULTI-MINE project] 
  29. DIET: Decentralised Information Ecosystem Technologies (July 2000 - June 2003)
    Short Description
    The DIET project proposes to specify, design, implement and validate a novel information processing and management framework via a bottom-up, ecosystem approach. DIET would provide a set of new technologies including a complex information ecosystem tool suite with infohabitants exhibiting self-organising and emergent behaviour. The whole ecosystem simulation will be validated by getting different societies of infohabitants to interact within a rich information environment (the WWW) whilst providing useful information management services for human infohabitants. DIET would also provide intelligent, interactie simulation and visualisation tools to facilitate understanding the complex interactions in the ecosystem. DIET ultimately aims to develop technologies which will replace brittle, expensive, unadaptive software with robust, inexpensive and adaptable solutions to ever increasing complexity in a more networked era.
    [More information about DIET project] 
  30. HIPER: High performance industrial vision (July 1998 - November 2001)
    Short Description
    Design and development of the software of the CMOS camera for industrial vision applications.
    [More information about HIPER project]