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  · Georgios Chalkiadakis  Assistant Professor  +30-28210-37208  gehalk at intelligence.tuc.gr
  · Charilaos Akasiadis  M.Sc. Student  +30-28210-37327  akasiadi at intelligence.tuc.gr
  · Aggelos Aggelidakis  M.Sc. Student  -   aaggelidakis at gmail.com
  · Nikolaos Kargas  Undergraduate Student  -   nkargas at isc.tuc.gr
  · Ioannis Liverios-Marinos  Undergraduate Student  -   j.liverios at hotmail.com
  · Alexandros Maurommatis  Undergraduate Student  -   blackeye_42 at msn.com
  · Evangelos Mihelioudakis  Undergraduate Student  -   vagmcs at gmail.com
Former Members
  · Nikolaos Pavlakis  Undergraduate Student  -   nikolaspavlakis at gmail.com
  · Ioakeim Perros  Undergraduate Student  -   imperros at gmail.com
  · Nikolaos Sapountzis  Undergraduate Student  -   nikolassap12 at hotmail.com
  · Eleytherios Soulas  Undergraduate Student  -   lefterissoulas at gmail.com

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